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 Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!)

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Female Number of posts : 56
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Location : Same place as Zirind
Registration date : 2007-12-08

Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Empty
PostSubject: Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!)   Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 11:45 pm

I'm not sure if I can really start without introducing my character, but I'll do it anyway. You'll figure it out as I go along, I guess..

The wind swept the tropical island in blustery gusts. A storm was on the horizon, slowly creeping forward in the form of forboding grey clouds and black, thick rainshowers that poured down into the ocean in the distance. A black haired maiden sat on the sandy beach of her port town of Santo Domingo, her knees pulled up under her chin as she scanned the waters for a message....a sign.
Nothing. There was always nothing. Nothing to be seen, nothing to be heard. The only thing out there was sea as far as she could tell. No message bearing ships, no vessels carrying her betrothed back to her...
Her blue eyes blinked as she stared out at that void of water, stretching on and on and further still. Frederich. Why had he been gone so long? Something must have happened. That would explain his long departure. Because Gwendolyn knew he wouldn't stay away on account of something unless it was important. The day he had left so many weeks ago he had whispered in her ear at the docks as he'd hugged her, "I'll return for you. I promise. Wait for me."
Gwendolyn had waited, patiently. But now, that patience had edged away and been replaced with fear and worry. If business wasn't detaining her soon-to-be husband, what was? Perhaps...something had happened and he had gotten harmed or worse..killed. She didn't even want to imagine that. Thinking negatively wouldn't help the situation, but she couldn't help but wonder what had become of him...
As she sat there, she wished to herself that she had stopped him from going. The life of a sea merchant was dangerous these days. In the year 1733, anything was possible. Pirates roamed the seven seas and would cut down anyone in their path, showing no mercy. How could she not be afraid for him?! She had wanted to be brave, wanted to be strong, but now...now she was slowly crumpling under the stress. Her shoulders shook a little with inward sobs, the wind caressing the groove of her shoulders as she sat there, hunched. After a moment or two of contemplating the area before her, Gwendolyn stood. The rain was getting closer. She may as well go inside. She wiped her wet eyes as the rain began to slash down all around her and the wind blew her hair wildly in every direction.
She started to fight the wind in order to go back towards her home in port, which was set back from the beach, when a noise like an explosion came from behind her, scaring her out of her wits. She turned to look back at the thunderclouds and in a burst of cool white lightning, she saw a shadow for a split second before it was plunged back into darkness. She squinted against the dagger like rain. The shadow had resembled that of a ship. Her heart soared with hope and she started back towards the shoreline. She waited. Nothing. Maybe her eyes had been deceiving her. Besides, who was likely to be sailing in this type of horrendous weather? The thunder boomed once more and the lightning illuminated the sky to reveal the shadow again. It was indeed a ship. A very large one at that. She shielded her eyes. It was headed for shore.
The black vessel stopped in the shallows as the winds raged and howled. Gwendolyn could make out a small dinghy being lowered. Someone was coming ashore! She took a few steps forward in anticipation. The rolling waves pushed the bouyant craft closer to shore, making Gwendolyn jittery. This would be the moment. The moment she had waited for. Forever it seemed, she had been waiting on this beach, waiting for his return and hoping against all odds...now she was to be rewarded. He was finally here!! The dinghy came closer and Gwendolyn scrunched her brow. There were two or three people coming to shore. The lightning cast everything in light; there were more floating objects. Realization dawned. There were more dinghys coming. 20 to 30 it would seem. The first dinghy was within a few feet of nudging the sand when Gwendolyn got a good look at who was piloting the craft. Two dirty, rascally looking men with more scars than teeth and very malignant grins. She turned and ran instinctively back towards port through the blinding rain. Her hair flew in front of her eyes, her heart beat crazily and her feet pounded the white sand as she tried to put distance between herself and those men. They hadn't looked very trustworthy. If she didn't know any better, she'd say they'd been pirates! Suddenly, something latched onto her arm and she twisted to look into the face of evil itself. Before the scream could escape her lips, she was hit over the head. As she sank to the sand helplessly, her world turned darker than she ever thought it could...

Is this too long? If so, I'm sorry! I was going to make it to where she gets shanghied onto this ship and taken out to sea, but I can't double post...uhhh...someone else want to add something?
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Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!)   Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 11:55 pm

1 thats really good set up
2 You need a list of people who people can play and descriptions of such(including yourself) unless you just want us to make it up
3 Click 'Edit' to edit posts silly
4 Will you do my English?
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Female Number of posts : 56
Age : 33
Location : Same place as Zirind
Registration date : 2007-12-08

Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!)   Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Icon_minitimeSun Dec 16, 2007 4:23 pm

Thank you! Okay, I'll add some things...and haha to the English. What are you doing in your class? Is it hard? By the way, I write stories all the time, love 'em! But this is technically my first roleplay.
I guess some of you guys can play parts of the pirates on the ship or perhaps pirates on a rival ship or whatever. Like--there could be some people who are with the British Royal Navy or some who are pirates. *shrug*
Anyways, I'm just going to roleplay Gwendolyn and Frederich. Here's a brief description of both of them..
Gwendolyn Manchester- black hair, blue eyes, just turned 19 years old. At the start of this, she's a normal, law abiding woman, but as time goes on, her true colors show and she proves that she'll do just about anything to get what she wants.
Frederich Addison- blonde hair, brown eyes, 21 years of age. He's a very gentlemanly guy so when Gwendolyn finds out what's become of him, she can barely believe it. Both of my characters are Brits but because of Frederich's being a merchant, they've settled near Mexico in Santo Domingo near the trading lanes.

Mumbling incoherently, Gwendolyn sat up groggily. She had no idea where she was, but the tossing and turning was not to her liking. She groaned and got up off the crate she had been lying on. She didn't remember crates. In fact, she'd never before stepped foot into whatever this room was she now found herself in. She looked around and spying a door, she went towards it and opened it tentatively. She was now in a murky hall. A rat scurried by and her nose scrunched up. Where was this place? Thunder resounded above her head and she thought back a moment. A storm. The beach. The pirates. With panic, she flew at the steps at the end of the hall, racing up them and praying she wasn't where she thought she was.
Water was sloshing down the steps in churning rivers as Gwendolyn slipped and clawed her way up. Once at the top, she could see plainly that she was on a ship. The same black hulking one she had seen from shore. Although it was evident that now...she was most definetley NOT at shore any longer.
Fearfully, she ran to the starboard rail, looking out. The waves were several feet high and crashing all around them in a fury that surpassed anything she had ever seen. The foam capped the purple-black waves, the sky looked like an endless black hole and every once in a while, the sky would get bright with blue-white lightning that pierced the heavens. Gwendolyn gasped as another horrendous sight met her eyes. Santo Domingo--her home---was all in flames back at the shore, which was getting farther and farther away. The orange and red fire swirled to meet the blackness above and she could hear the screams of the dying civilians as they tried to get away from the burning inferno. Her eyes widened. Who could have the capacity to do this? What man captained the rackish filth that were now going about their business and tacking lines like they had done no wrong?
Gwendolyn turned on heel, her white linen dress blowing in the severe winds, "Where is the captain? I demand to speak to the captain!"
A man near by sneered, his yellow teeth seeming to laugh at her, "The captain don't speak to jus' anyone, miss." Angered, Gwendolyn stomped up to him, resisting the urge to grab a fistful of his shirt. She wasn't stupid. He would probably pull a knife on her if she did that. Instead, she hissed, "Where is the captain?" Suddenly, a figure appeared at their side. "Calm yourselves, calm yourselves. We'll pull out of this storm in no time." A dagger of lightning showed the man to Gwendolyn and she gasped. Frederich grinned slyly from beneath his tri- cornered brown hat, "I promised I'd return for you, didn't I?"
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Male Number of posts : 407
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Registration date : 2007-12-05

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PostSubject: Re: Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!)   Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Icon_minitimeSun Dec 16, 2007 10:06 pm

10th grade honors work
I'll do this with a comp later lol
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Female Number of posts : 56
Age : 33
Location : Same place as Zirind
Registration date : 2007-12-08

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PostSubject: Re: Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!)   Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Icon_minitimeWed Dec 19, 2007 9:29 pm

To Continue..

Later that night, Gwendolyn sat with her husband-to-be in his captain's quarters where the lighting was dim and all was quiet, intimate and private. The storm had lulled out and they had anchored at a sand bar...for now. Who knew what the next day would bring? Gwendolyn was almost too afraid to stick around and find out.
Frederich lit a candle with a match and took to a nice chair that was obviously his. Gwendolyn was glad she hadn't sat in it. The way Frederich sat in the chair, he acted as if he was a king and that chair was his throne. A barbed throne for a murderous pirate king, she thought grimly.
"Well, how have you been, darling?"
Gwendolyn smiled slightly. She had missed that name..but not enough to forget the situation at hand. "I've been terrible," she answered softly, "Waiting for your return for weeks that followed into months..it's been agonizing." She looked sincerely at him. She wanted him to understand that she was happy to have found him, but still mad that he had gone off to..to...to basically play the part of some scalawag when he should have been returning to wed her. Frederich put a finger up by his lip, looking at her playfully, "Hmm. Agonizing, eh? I believe you called my cooking agonizing once. Nice word that is. Agonizing. It conveys so much." Gwendolyn bit her lip so hard she thought it might bleed. Why was he teasing her like this? "I can't believe you!" she spurted, "You find this a game?"
Frederich gestured widely with his hands, "Life is a game, dear. You have to play alot of things to get exactly what it is you want."
"I..thought you wanted me,"Gwendolyn replied quietly, staring at the captain quarter's floor. Her thick eyelashes brushed her cheeks as she blinked, supressing tears. Frederich's blonde hair glistened in it's queu, "Gwen...listen to me." He cupped her face in his hands after he came over to her. "I do. Rest assure of that. I..I only meant to gallavant a while, have an adventure or two.." "Well, you've succeeded in that!" Silence.
"Actually...I have. I've had more of an adventure than I had been intending too. Gwendolyn, I hope I can trust you with what I'm about to tell you." He held her hand and she nodded curiously.
"I've found a way to become immortal."
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PostSubject: Re: Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!)   Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Icon_minitimeThu Dec 20, 2007 11:59 pm

lalala still cant use a comp (all you dutiful mods out there dont delete this)
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Female Number of posts : 289
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Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!)   Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Icon_minitimeFri Dec 21, 2007 7:06 pm

I can't delete this? Sad LOL!!!

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Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!)   Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Icon_minitimeFri Dec 21, 2007 10:48 pm

No because its spam with a purpose
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Female Number of posts : 289
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PostSubject: Re: Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!)   Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Icon_minitimeFri Dec 21, 2007 10:51 pm

I didn't know that some spam could have a purpose..LOL
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PostSubject: Re: Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!)   Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Icon_minitimeSat Dec 22, 2007 10:34 am

Avoiding the infamous double post
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Female Number of posts : 56
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Location : Same place as Zirind
Registration date : 2007-12-08

Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!)   Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Icon_minitimeSat Dec 22, 2007 5:27 pm

Awww, thank you, Zirind!

Gwendolyn looked straight into his eyes. She wanted to believe him, but...she found that she really couldn't. Not only was the the theory of living forever on some tonic completely preposterous, but..he'd been away so long. On "business". He'd lied about that, what made him think she could believe him about something like this?
"First you dash off and now you're lying to me a second time! What are you playing at, Frederich?" Frederich sighed, "If this was high stakes poker and I was playing for your heart..by the look on your face, I'd say I was losing."
Gwendolyn stood and went to a porthole, just to get away from him and breath in some salty air. That often made her feel better. Just the smell of the ocean, the allure of the sea.
Frederich stood somewhat tentatively, putting his arms behind his back and clearing his throat, "The point is, I've come back and we're here together now. I've got my own ship, a luminous career ahead of me---" "Luminous?" Gwendolyn spouted, "LUMINOUS?! Pirating and stealing is not luminous and you're an imbecille if you think so!!!"
Frederich clamped his mouth shut. He was finding it rather hard not to yell at her. He had sailed the high seas just to get back to her like he'd promised and she was throwing everything he said and everything he'd ever said right back in his face! It was a miracle he'd ever gotten back to Santo Domingo in one piece. He'd had to face several enemies along the way, keep his crew's morale up and convince them not to mutiny AND he'd not surprisingly become a man of little moral integrity and conceience on the way back. He'd become very bad at keeping his promises, but the one promise he'd been willing to keep, his promise to Gwendolyn,was beginning to sink far below his expectations. He'd begun to wonder whether it was worth it to come back at all. It sure wasn't adding up the way he'd thought it would. In his mind, he'd seen himself and his wife clearly, sailing off into the sunset. There was no sunset, it was the middle of the night and Gwendolyn was as close to being his wife as she'd ever been. She was like a distant light house. She was far off and unatainable, her light beam swinging around and through the plane of his sub concience. And if he ever did come close to calling her his own, he'd have to fight some bloody rocks and obstacles just to get to her! The sad thing was she was standing in this very room with him and yet he'd never felt farther from her.
"Maybe I was wrong to have come back for you." There. He'd finally voiced his opinion, unveiled his thoughts to her. Maybe she'd start to feel guilty about the way she was acting. Gwendolyn muttered, "Yes. Maybe you were." Frederich blinked quickly. She'd just agreed?! That wasn't supposed to happen either. And now she was storming from his quarters. He looked regretfully at a bottle of fine French champagne and two delicate glasses he'd hidden carefully near his desk. He'd meant to celebrate. Why couldn't Gwendolyn be reasonable? With this water from the Fountain of Youth stored down below decks, they could become invincible. They could pirate together and live forever, a happily married couple.
"Wait! Gwen! Come back!" He followed her above deck hastily, cursing himself as he ascended the stairs. She was going to be happy, by God! Even if that required beating the happiness into her. When he found her, she was busily wrestling the ropes that held a dinghy to the side of the ship. "Casting off so soon?"
Gwendolynspat over her shoulder back at him ,"YES. Yes, I am. There's nothing you can do. Nothing you'll want to do about it either. Don't mind me, I'll just sail home and you can go on with your wonderful piratey life and your 'luminous' career!" The wind stirred her fiancee's blonde hair beneath his hat, "But I do want to do something about it. I want to take you with me. Just..come here a moment." "No." "Please?" "I said no!" Gwendolyn yelled. Frederich grabbed her arm and started hauling her back down the stairs. "I said no, you ruffian! Unhand me!" Frederich rolled his eyes. She'd always been sort of dramatic. A crew member from the side, first mate Rogers, snorted, "Captain Addison isn't such the ladies' man as he once let on, aye?" Some others guffawed. Gwendolyn fought, but eventually, Frederich had steered her into the cargo hold and slammed the door.
He stood in front of the door to prevent her from leaving. "Let me out." "No, just look at the crates over there." To appease him in order to escape, Gwendolyn looked. They were just ordinary crates. She raised her slender black eyebrows, "Amazing. Now, as I was saying, I'm leaving." Frederich shook his head, "You still don't understand the importance of such a discovery, do you?" She didn't answer. "Open that one there. It's loose." Gwendolyn opened a crate on the top of a stack, peering in. Amidst straw, there were several tiny vials full of a purple-clear liquid. It looked like water, but then...there was something odd about it.
"Water from the Fountain of Youth found in a eternally bubbling spring in the Isle of Tormenta. The drinker is said to become forever youthful, forever invincible and forever alive. There's no turning back once you drink it." Gwendolyn whispered, "If this is true, then why have you and your crew drank of it?" Frederich looked puzzled, "We..haven't drank it. Yet. We're going to test it on a candidate we find worthy." "Me?" she asked timidy. "No, no! Not that you don't be worthy, I'm just...saying we were going to save it. Make a profit, mostly." She should have known.
Frederich opened the door, "Now come along. There's much more we still need to discuss." He went out in the hall and Gwendolyn shut the crate with a dull snap. What if there was a grain of truth to this? Or what if it was all a lie? Even so, she'd take her chances. She put the vial in a concealed pocket of her dress and followed Frederich back to his quarters.
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Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!)   Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Icon_minitimeSat Dec 22, 2007 8:59 pm

Well now I can join this piratey fun I think I'll have 2 characters just to keep it fun

John Thompson
Blue Eyes, Brown Hair, 23 years old
John was found by Captain Addison about a week before their return to Santo Domingo. He was on a deserted island apparently left to die. He doesn't remember anything before he met Addison except that he must never lose his Crescent Necklace because its extremely important for some reason. He doesn't have any real rank on the ship but does odd jobs in exchange for a room and food.

Captain Paul Wallows
Brown Eyes, Red Hair, 29 years old
Captain Wallows always wanted to be the Captain of a pirate ship ever since he was 5 years old. He ended up in a quite opposite role as Captain of the Navy ship S.S. Entrust. He was quite proud of his dreams when he was young but his classmates and siblings, Fred and Carl, thought that his ambitions were foolish. Plus everyone always made fun of him for his short and stumpy stature. One day when Paul was running away from school, as he did periodically since the kids were so mean, pirates attacked his city and killed the rest of his family. He vowed from that day that he would make every pirate pay....

John was on his way down to his room because for once no one had given him a job to do when he saw Captain Addison and a mysterious woman he had never seen go into the cargo bay. He figured he would wait for the Captain to come back out so he could see if there was anything for him to do. As he was waiting he overheard the couple talking about some, "Water from the Fountain of Youth". Of course he'd heard the myths but he never believed they were true. Why had no one told him this mythical liquid was on the ship. What was the Captain planning to do with it. He had to find out what was going on. He went to his room to figure out what was happening and what the "kind" Captain was doing.
Meanwhile Captain Paul Wallows just happened to be the Navy Captain in charge of finding the pirates that had attacked Santo Domingo and he was extremely into this case considering his own past and he couldnt wait to catch these pirates and give them what they deserve.
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Female Number of posts : 56
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Location : Same place as Zirind
Registration date : 2007-12-08

Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!)   Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Icon_minitimeFri Dec 28, 2007 2:28 am

Oh, my god! I'm writing a story at home and my main character is John Thompson, no joke! Would write, but have to go to bed. I'll try tomorrow!!! Cool characters, by the way.
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PostSubject: Re: Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!)   Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Icon_minitimeFri Dec 28, 2007 10:52 am

Im psychic XD
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Female Number of posts : 56
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Location : Same place as Zirind
Registration date : 2007-12-08

Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!)   Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2008 12:11 am

DANG! I was working up a good post and now it got erased. Too pissed off. Continue, Zirind. Maybe with the next morning or something.
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Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!)   Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2008 2:01 am

(Maybe you hit F5)

It was 3 days later, and John wanted to know what this "Water from the Fountain of Youth" was all about. He had a right to know just as much as everyone else. John went down to the cargo hold intending to sneak in, but the captain had posted a guard so John walked by casually. He HAD to get in there so he went to the captain and asked him if there was any work that needed to be done. He added that maybe the hold needed cleaning, but he got stuck with being the man in the crow's nest for the day, because the man who was usually up there had an awful hangover(lol). Once John got up there he let his frustration out on the microscope, ultimately throwing it into the endless sea. So much water yet none was what he wanted. "If I could live forever I might be able to restore my memory", he thought.

"Captain, SIR! We have information that the pirate ship that reportedly attacked Santo Domingo is sailing northward"
"Captain, we need our orders!!"
"Captain, Why do you have us do nothing while the pirate ship sails farther from us!?"
This was how Captain Wallows day started. He had grown weary of chasing this ship. He wanted time for them to get cocky and think they were safe so he could sneak up on them, but the men would never listen. He had thought that being a Captain would help him get revenge on the pirates, but he had so many laws he had to follow and such an annoying crew that questioned nearly all of his orders mearly because he was a new captain. He thought that there HAD to be an easier way to eradicate all the pirates...
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Female Number of posts : 56
Age : 33
Location : Same place as Zirind
Registration date : 2007-12-08

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PostSubject: Re: Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!)   Pirate Roleplay(Don't tell me you didn't see this coming!) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 16, 2008 7:10 pm

Okay, back, finally.

Gwendolyn arose that morning, feeling peaked and upset with all that had happened. Everything was fast changing. Her fiance was someone she was beginning to wonder if she had ever knew, she was far from Santo Domingo and she had no idea what she was going to do. Frederich didn't seem to care though, one way or another. He seemed wary about her and had even let her sleep in his quarters. Gwendolyn had only consented because she had made him leave and sleep with the other men of the crew. THAT would put him in his place, she thought bitterly. She sat up in the bed, rubbing her eyes and looking about her. While she was in his quarters with the door locked(she had made suuuure it was before she had gone to sleep. You never could tell with pirates..), she may as well search the area, look around.
Getting up and walking around in her white shift that she slumbered in, she searched the drawers of his desk first.
The first few drawers revealed nothing more than knick knacks. Stones, pieces of string, empty inkwells, crimson beads that rolled about and something that resembled a shrunken head. Gwendolyn picked it up without cringing, set it back down and searched the other drawers, pulling them out, one by one.
Another drawer had some cloths that looked like they were covered in old, dried up blood and when Gwendolyn examined them, she found a dagger twisted up in them, rusty at the hilt and bloodstained as well. Normally, this would have frightened her the way things were turning up, like clues of Frederich's past. As if maybe she should have known how awful he was to begin with. She shrugged. The way things were turning out, she doubted seriously that they would still marry. Even so, she shouldn't get on his dark side...
Gwendolyn reached for the last drawer with a fair hand and felt a resistance behind it. It wouldn't budge. She yanked again, but to no avail. Leaning forward and peering at the intricate keyhole, she turned her mouth up in disappointment. A key. She wouldn't be able to open it without one. She brushed the back of her dress off and stood. She'd have to find the key because somehow, she believed there was something of importance lurking behind that drawer. Why else would Captin Addison bother locking it? He'd left the other ones opened. There must be something rather important in that drawer.
She made her way to other parts of the room, looking at ancient, cracked and faded maps hanging on the walls and went to open a wardrobe. There were pants, tailored jackets and several peasant shirts that were obviously Frederich's. But there was also something in the closet that was obviously not. She stroked the blue fabric in fascination and hurt. A dress. A man wouldn't need a dress. A man wouldn't wear a dress. A man would have nothing to do with a dress unless he was chasing someone that was in one. She cut her eyes into slits. She knew it. She knew he wouldn't have been able to have stayed faithful! He'd probably found a woman at a port town and being the lonely sea journeying man he was, he had just...just...taken her to his quarters and....
Gwendolyn turned away abruptly, hiding the tears although there was no one to hide them from. She was alone. Instead, she held her face.
He'd been unfaithful to her. Harsh. Cruel. She could stand a bloody knife or two, a fanciful notion that the Fountain of Youth was real...but having an affair with another woman when he KNEW that they were engaged and knew that he had had a promise to her? How could he?! She cried for a few minutes, looking at the floor, dejected. She hated him. Before she had just sort of thought that maybe if she played like she didn't care about him, that she didn't want him or need him, it would pull him back to her. It was okay for her to act like she could care less about him, but for him to do that to her? No. It was WRONG. The time he had gotten with this woman, he had loved her, Gwendolyn. Hadn't he? Because Gwendolyn had been pining away for Frederich back in Santo Domingo. She looked at the dress haughtily. The woman who had filled it had probably not been so brave as her or resorceful and smart as her nor as pretty. She'd show him. She'd show him what he was forgetting and casting aside!!!!
She ripped the dress out of the closet and began to put it on.
Up on deck, Frederich Addison strolled leisurely, watching the crew at their tasks. He would ask them to hoisten a line there, tighten one there, avoid the shoals. He was a keen observer and if anything were to go wrong on his ship, he would certainly know. At least...he would know if it had to do with maritime things. Like the sails, or the hull. Now, say, if a crazy woman were to go about and cause trouble...well...he didn't exactly know how to handle that. With the sails, he could fix them himself or get other people to. Or sometimes nature would just run it's course and things would fix themselves. But Gwendolyn? He had no idea what to do with her when she had such a raging temper.
He felt a tap on his shoulder. Little did he know, things were about to get worse. He turned with a genuine smile even though the tap had been impatient, but his smile soon faded. Gwendolyn was standing there, her black curls cascading at her shoulders. And she was wearing a dress. Not just any dress, but Colleen's. "Now see here----", he started. Gwendolyn cut him off, "Ahh. Have an excuse ready to fall off that tongue of yours?" Frederich gulped, "Umm. That's...not yours. And this is not what it seems." "Oh, really? Well, what is it then? Because it seems to me like you were tossing around with another woman when you KNEW you'd made a promise to me and you KNEW that I was waiting for you." She looked at him. Her heart felt like it was going to explode, as did her brain. Frederich cleared his throat and put a hand over his mouth, trying to compose himself, "Now, listen. She was just...it was just....a one time thing. A fling, if you will. No feelings attached, whatsoever. No consquences or ties and so, consequently----" Gwendolyn laughed coldly, "Ha! That's utter poppycock! No consequences? No ties?! NO FEELINGS BEHIND IT?! What about MY feelings, Frederich? While you went through with this did you ever stop to consider what I would think once I found out?" Frederich stammered, "Well, I......no." He'd been meaning to get rid of the dress, as it were. No one was supposed to find out anything about this. But it was too late for that now. He grimaced, waiting to be slapped or shoved over board. Instead, Gwendolyn raised a hand but brought it back down just as quickly, apparently fighting over whether she wanted to hit him or not. "I can't believe you." Frederich shrugged, "Well, if it's any consolation, you look better in that outfit than she did." Gwendolyn snapped, "It's not." Even though in a strange way, it almost was.
She started to stalk away, but turned back, shaking a hand at him and laughing to herself in what would have seemed a manic way were it not for the circumstances, "You know, thank you. I must say, without your help, I wouldn't be in the position I now find myself in." "And what position is that?"
Gwendolyn bobbed on her heels, "The position of being single. I'm free. Free to do as I wish with whomever I wish, whenever I wish, WHEREever I wish." She laughed once more and gave him a tantalizing look, "I suppose I might just chat up your first mate or some of the crew. See what they have to offer. Perhaps they have more restaint, manners and tact than you do. Among other things." She raised an eyebrow and left him to think on that. Fuming, Frederich stormed into his quarters and slammed the doors. The insolence of her!
Gwendolyn stopped and leaned against the mast. She knew where the key was. It was somewhere on Frederich's person. She had seen a gleam of metal in the sun, she did believe, about his neck. But how was she to get it away from him?
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